About us

What is physiatry?

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R), also known as Physiatry, is a branch of medicine that tackles obstacles to therapy and advances patients towards functional goals. Our expert physiatry teams are specialists in diagnosing and managing conditions related to muscles, bones, nerves, and disabilities, including pain management.

SNFs: What’s in it for you?

Partnering with American Physiatry can increase patient satisfaction and enhance clinical outcomes at no cost to you.

Here’s how we enhance your facility:

Decreased Rehospitizations

Specialized Pain Management Program

Effectively managing and weaning pain control medication.

Increased Patient Satisfaction

At no cost to the facility and without any impact on facility billing.

All Diagnoses And ICD-10 Codes Uploaded Directly Into PCC/Matrix For Full Charge Capture

Let the data do the talking.

Many studies have shown that having a physiatry presence in your facility decreases fall risk, lowers hospital readmission rates, and increases patient satisfaction.

At No Cost To Your Facility 

By bringing in a physiatry program, we collaborate with your existing team at no cost to you.
Our billing process is separate from that of the facility because we bill as medical consultants, so it does not impact the SNF billing. In addition, all diagnoses and ICD-10 codes are uploaded directly into PCC/Matrix, ensuring full charge capture for the facility.  See this article from Knights on how this can affect your billing.

Next-level rehabilitation

Driven by shared values and a commitment to excellent patient care, our specially trained teams collaborate with therapists and doctors in SNFs to help patients manage pain and enhance their functional abilities. We maintain the highest standard of medical oversight to ensure the quality and safety of our procedures and treatments.

Choose American Physiatry


Enhance your SNF’s medical capabilities for broader specialized care and coding accuracy for improved reimbursement.


Maintain your reputation for quality care with our passionate experts who take a holistic approach to patient well-being.


Improve therapy plans with additional clinical oversight that yields better outcomes and higher patient satisfaction.

Our team

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In their own words

Hear how they are grateful to American Physiatry team members who make a difference to them every day.

    “...Teaching me and my brother about our dad’s rehab goals and challenges…”


      “...Constantly monitoring therapy progress, functional goals and ways to make therapy more effective for my patient…”


        “...Giving my mom joint injections as needed, like in her knees, shoulders, wrists, and ankles…”


          “...By joining family conferences and care plan meetings to give input…”

          FROM A NURSE

            “...Enhancing clinical documentation, which supports therapy, audits, surveys, and boosts CMI…”


              “...Giving me trigger point injections to ease my pain and cut down on the painkillers…”

              FROM A PATIENT

                “...Served as a liaison between the orthopedic surgeon, therapists, nurses, and patient…”

                FROM A NURSE

                  “...Handling my pain meds, and tapering them off as I got better…”

                  FROM A PATIENT